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Flounder: Jun 2024 ML Hack Day


Date(s) - June 1, 2024
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


June ML Hack Day.

A day of learning about Machine Learning by trying stuff out.

I have a LicheePi4A which has an NPU built in and a server with a NVidia card that I can give access to. But I encourage other people to try to have some hardware suitable for their own use, a minimum would be a 16G of DDR4 RAM (as a rough guide a system with DDR4 has adequate CPU performance) and 16G of free storage space. Hardware for ML is a really good thing, ideally a GPU with 8G of RAM or more but you can do some useful stuff with CPU if you are patient.

Meeting will be at No need to register just click on the link on the day.

Meeting officially opens at 12pm Melbourne time (02:00UTC) on the 1st of June. A little earlier than usual, but if people from Perth miss the first hour they can join us for the later parts of the meeting as it’s not a formal meeting.

Here are some links that are worth reviewing before the meeting (not required but recommended):

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